Hospital And Rehabilitation Staff Members Deserve Kindness and Appreciation

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Hospital And Rehabilitation Staff Members Deserve Kindness and Appreciation

During a recent hospital stay followed by a current stay in a rehabilitation facility (from a fractured femur), I experienced something I thought was rather unusual…the staff seemed so surprised and so grateful for my kindness and expressions of thanks for their efforts. Apparently they are not used to being treated nicely or often thanked.

Say Whaaat? How can that be? Do people not thank people anymore? Have people forgotten how to be kind and grateful? Have they forgotten how to express their thanks? Well the answer to those questions is…Yes, apparently many people have!

In the south, we so often say “Preciate Cha” (aka Appreciate You) when someone assists us with a need or a standard action that we are grateful for. Many of us use this phrase often.

I am always quick to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused and equally quick to say thank you so very much every time…and I do mean every single time someone helps me. It’s how I was raised and how I raised my sons and now how I am influencing my grandchildren. With kindness, manners, gratitude and politeness, the world can be a better place.

Please be kind to all hospital and rehab facility staff members

Basic gratitude should be extended to all the staff in medical facilities. So many are so very underappreciated. Of course, doctors, nurses and CNA’s are your first line-please show them appreciation and kindness. But don’t forget others like…occupational therapists, physical therapists, housekeeping, laundry services, the handyman, the dietary and kitchen staff, the bus drivers that get you to your appointments, the activities director, the social worker, the office staff and of course the administrator of the facility. If I’ve missed anyone else by title, please consider yourselves included and equally in need of thanks. All these people do an excellent job every day and so often never get the thanks they deserve.

Little things or big things, all gestures deserve some sort of thanks

A few days ago, a pipe came loose from the sink in the room I’m in at a care facility. The loose pipe caused a leak with water flowing on the floor. I hit my call button for the nurse, she investigated and the next thing I know, the administrator herself walked through the door. She was dressed so pretty, but that didn’t stop her from sitting down on the floor under the sink to begin repairs. She fixed it with her bare hands…pounding it back into place as best she could and told me that she and the handyman would be back early in the morning for a final repair. And that they were. I wholeheartedly thanked them both. And they both seemed puzzled by my gratitude. Another indication that it doesn’t often happen to them either.

Be kind to hospital staff, the thanks go both ways!

Quite often the staff thanks me for being so kind, friendly, patient, understanding and appreciative of their efforts. And why wouldn’t I be all of those things and more? It made me feel good to receive such compliments and at the same time it made me sad to realize that such actions and praises towards them are so few and far between. This should not be.

All those old sayings of…

“Treat those how you wish to be treated.”

“A little kindness goes a long way.”

Please remember those and practice them!

Little gifts equal big rewards

I had a roommate in the rehab facility for a little bit, until she recovered and got to go home. She is the ultimate in a kind southern lady, she (like me) was grateful to everyone for everything and made it known. She had a supply of chocolates, candies and Tootsie pops that she often gave to staff members to thank them for their assistance. Such simple gestures always brought smiles.

I don’t have any candies, but I do have yarn and crochet hooks that I asked my daughter-in-law to bring me, so I can stay occupied while my femur and I are recovering.

My way to be kind to hospital staff, I crochet angels for them
Crocheting occupies my time in a rehab facility. So I crochet little angels for the staff members. Because they are my angels here on earth assisting me with my recovery.

So every day, as fast as I can crochet a little angel (they take me an hour each to complete)…I’m already giving it away to a deserving nurse or staff member. They are all so appreciative…even the men! I truly would not have expected such softie heartfelt reactions from so many tough looking men. But they are truly touched by my gift of a little crocheted angel-showing them I appreciate them. The handyman that fixed my sink was so touched, he was smiling ear to ear. He went out into the hallway and showed the nurses what he just received. It did my heart good. I tell all who receive one of my little crocheted angels, that they are my gift to watch over them and keep them safe. I can’t begin to tell you how happy my heart feels with theses gestures. I chose to crochet angels for them, because they are my angels here on earth assisting me with my recovery.

My way to be kind to hospital staff, I crochet angels for them
My way to be kind to hospital staff…I crochet an angel for them as a gift.

Here is the link to the yarn/thread that I used…

In conclusion, please take a moment and be kind to rehab and hospital staff…

So please folks, take a moment to thank and appreciate those around you. Thank those hardworking folks in hospitals and care facilities. It will brighten their day and yours as well! It may be their jobs, but we are not all cut out to do what they do and Lord knows I sure could not do all that they do. They deserve a lot of praise. Please show kindness and appreciation towards them. It really does feel good for all of you!

Take Care, Be Safe, Be Kind, Virtual Hugs,


P.S. For more crocheting fun, check out another one of my blogs…

About the Author... Hey there! I'm Chauncey. Just happily breezing through the 5th and now 6th decade of my life, enjoying the simple things around me. I'm an avid foodie and known for my Northern hospitality, Southern charms and mama hen instincts.

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